Month: June 2022

Worried about your memory slipping? Join the crowd. In a recent poll of more than 1,000 adults over 50, it was a common concern.  Nearly half said they popped a pill, such as a vitamin or supplement, to help their memory. Brain health is big business; one report estimated that by 2023, people will spend
The COVID-19 pandemic has challenged the academic and psychological stability of medical students, leading to high rates of burnout. Researchers surveyed 613 medical students representing all years of a medical program during the last week of the Spring semester of 2021. Based on the Maslach Burnout Inventory-Student Survey (MBI- SS), more than half (54%) of
You might see it on the grocery shelves or have a friend who makes it at home. It looks like yogurt and contains more friendly bacteria than yogurt. But what is it? Mayo Clinic dietitian Anya Guy says kefir is rich in protein, calcium, B vitamins and probiotics. More health and medical news on the
Since April 2020, various international reports have identified a rare but dangerous multisystem inflammatory disease in children infected with the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Some of the most common symptoms associated with this disease included fever, hyper-inflammation, a Kawasaki Disease (KD)-like presentation, as well as a shock-like condition that overlaps with toxic
Successful aging is something that most of us strive for. But with aging comes a pervasive condition called fatigue that, in many older adults, interferes with everyday functioning, mental health, social support, and overall quality of life. The relationship between fatigue and cognitive and functional impairment is one of particular interest in people living with HIV
Skin Care Tips for People With Diabetes – Diabetes Daily Learning Center Learning Center: LearningCenter Diabetes Daily does not provide medical advice,diagnosis or treatment.Get additional information.© 2005 – 2022 Everyday Health, Inc. Everyday Health is among the federally registered trademarks of Everyday Health, Inc. and may not be used by third parties without explicit permission.
CHICAGO — Overall survival (OS) in Black patients with cancer improved significantly, and racial disparities in cancer survival decreased, with increased state-level spending on public welfare programs, a large retrospective review showed. Every 10% increase in public welfare spending was associated with an 8.6% improvement in cancer survival among Black patients, almost four times greater
Normal squamous epithelial cells from the cervix under the microscope In January, we wrote about the changes to the cervical screening programme in Wales. This change extended the standard interval between screens for most people to 5 years. The change made headlines, with many people worried the longer interval would result in cervical cancers being
The World Health Organization (WHO) has seemingly assured the public that there’s nothing to worry about the monkeypox outbreak causing another global health crisis amid the COVID-19 pandemic.  On Monday, an official from the specialized agency maintained that it’s unlikely for the monkeypox outbreak outside Africa to lead to another pandemic, Reuters reported.   As