Suffering From Iron Deficiency While In Quarantine? Add These Nuts To Your Diet


Iron is needed to produce red blood cells that carry oxygen throughout the body. Iron is an important vitamin that aids the metabolism of various functions in the body, regulating hormones and providing nutrition for the body’s overall development. 

Infants are more likely to suffer from iron deficiency than adults due to the bodily changes they go through while growing up. Pregnant women also tend to need more iron and generally take supplements to help. Blood loss by menstruation, blood donation, or intestinal issues can lead to anemia as well.  

Iron deficiency can go undetected in early stages, hence there are a few common symptoms one must be aware of: fatigue, a decrease in work productivity, inconsistent body temperature, slow cognitive development in children and poor immunity. 

When it comes to deriving iron from food, heme iron from meat and poultry is better absorbed by the body, in comparison to non-heme iron from plant-based sources. The absorption of iron from plant-based food improves when taken with a balanced meal. 

If your healthcare provider suspects iron deficiency, you might have to undergo a hemoglobin or hematocrit test, following which you will either be prescribed supplements or consume more iron-rich foods. Here are some nut varieties that you can easily snack on without too much trouble. 

Pistachio nuts

Among the various nuts out there, pistachios provide 14 mg every 100 grams. These nuts also contain several nutrients including protein, calcium and magnesium. That makes pistachio nuts pretty healthy snacks. 


Almonds today are a popular ingredient in milk and butter. But eating almond nuts soaked overnight is extremely nutritious. Every ounce of almonds provide about six to nine percent of the required iron every day, which translates to one mg of iron per ounce. 


An ounce of walnuts contains 0.82 mg of iron and can be added to various dishes like pies, biscuits or cakes. 


One ounce of cashews can give an individual 1.89 mg of iron, thus making it a powerful snack. It is an ingredient added to salads and ice creams, among curries and other dishes.  

Iron Cereal Breakfast cereal fortified with iron may offer up to 90 to 100 percent of your daily recommended value. Nyana Stoica/Unsplash

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