Happy New Year From Our Team


Hello and happy December 32nd! Oh wait, we are being told it’s officially a new year/dawn/lease on life….to which we say, hooray, and let us hope for the best! There’s nothing we can say about 2020 that hasn’t already been memorialized in a witty meme, but here’s an attempt at some reflections on the year when we all went “back to the basics.” 

When Netflix and chill on a Saturday night wasn’t just a choice, it was THE choice. When the introverts among us appreciated the change in pace, until the extroverts went and invented Zoom. The year that captured the essence of what one-year-olds worldwide have long known – that cardboard and wrapping paper can be more fun than the gift (and we’re talking about 2020, people, so you know the gift box was either empty or full of murder hornets).

The year that evoked the strangest combination of fear of our mortality and fear of running out of all-purpose flour, followed by the humbling realization that the latter is ridiculous for us, but a chronic worry for too many around us. Lots of house projects and family dinners where we actually sat down together and talked. Lots of adventures that weren’t fancy or foreign but exciting nonetheless, and lots of adjusting to online work meetings and virtual school, proving yet again that children are far more adaptable than us relics in charge of them.

Like many of you, our own team struggled with health issues both mental and physical. Even the standard car accident took on a new life trying to deal with all that comes with this during a pandemic. But we know we are so fortunate to have the love and support of our team, friends, and family. We have all been touched by the pure kindness of strangers who have helped us and loved ones who support us to this day. And all of this only brings us to June!

Like many families, we coped with the loss of friends and loved ones during a time when we couldn’t process this loss with funerals and celebrations of life. Their absence is felt deeply, as is their legacy. All year long we were inspired to serve others in need and reawakened to the value of those who serve us and whom we need – our teachers, first responders, restaurant and grocery store staff, delivery and postal workers. The list goes on. And so will we. 

So, to 2020 we say, thank you for giving us a reignited appreciation of the basics. We feel somewhat better equipped for whatever 2021 may have in store. Should it bring the privilege of spending time with friends and loved ones, it will be a better year than the last one.  

We wish you all health and happiness in the new year.

The OncoLink Team

Thanks to our Senior Editor, Neha Vapiwala, MD for these inspiring words!

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