
Breast cancer overdiagnosis can lead to harmful effects including psychological stress, complications of treatment, or adverse effects from diagnostic procedures. However, a paper out of Australia says the benefits of regular population screening outweigh these harms. Authors led by Dr. Vivienne Milch, Medical Director of Cancer Australia, wrote a perspective on overdiagnosis within the country’s
Have you ever wondered how a nurse can expand on their bedside role to include other areas of interest or moving into different roles? While everyone has their own story, there are a few things that bridge many stories and that you can do to support your career journey. Maybe your goal is getting involved
May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Over the next few weeks, OncoLink will feature blogs about common mental health challenges faced by cancer patients, caregivers, and healthcare professionals. Please remember, if you are in crisis, help is available. National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 800-273-8255 National Alliance on Mental Health (NAMI) Helpline 800-950-6264 How are you doing?
A new analysis, published in Academic Radiology, suggests that almost a quarter of interval breast cancers could have been caught earlier than they were. The term “interval breast cancer” refers to cancers that present themselves or are detected within about 12 months after a mammogram that came back normal. They are considered “interval” cancers because
by Ashley Drake BSN, RN March 11, 2020. No longer a placeholder on the calendar, but rather an inflection point in life as we knew it. Nurses around the world have undoubtedly played an intimate, yet integral role in this monumental event, the COVID 19 global pandemic. A threat was introduced and all eyes were
“The effort from the start was to save lives of women with ovarian cancer. To build evidence for a screening programme that the NHS could introduce. To have an impact on the lives of thousands of women who are affected by ovarian cancer each year.” Professor Usha Menon, a gynaecologist at University College London, has
One of psychotherapy’s main beliefs is that putting thoughts and feelings into words may produce mental health benefits. Of course, this also applies to cancer patients, who face the countless psychological issues that can arise in the face of a serious illness. Participating in therapy, however, isn’t the only way to give voice to one’s internal world
This past weekend I had the chance to see some nursing friends I hadn’t seen in a while. All vaccinated and sitting at an outdoor table for brunch, it felt like no time had passed. Of course, over a year had gone by since we were able to sit face-to-face and enjoy each other’s company.
The Women’s Treaty and the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women, also known as CEDAW, calls for the equal treatment of women everywhere with regards to domestic violence, maternal health, economic security, and human trafficking. According to the United Nations, the Convention defines discrimination against women as “…any distinction, exclusion
“Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway.” – Emory Austin I love this thought from Emory Austin. I am reminded of an experience with my grandmother. I called her Mom Mom. I loved her deeply. She lived far away from me, so it was always a celebration when she came
For the past 19 years, nurses have ranked #1 on the list of the most ethical and honest professionals in an annual Gallup poll. I don’t think this ranking would come as a surprise to most. Nurses are taught how to care for you from the time you are born until you die and every
When my kids were little, we began a little ritual of putting something in our pockets each day. You see, we had moved about 950 miles from where our kids had lived all of their young lives. Everything was different. Weather. Accents. Scenery. There was understandable sadness in missing their home and friends. There was