
Medicare open enrollment for 2021 ends on December 7th. No doubt, like me, you have seen the countless commercials and even 30-minute-long infomercials from various Medicare Advantage plans touting the great benefits of these plans—like dental and vision coverage, gym memberships, transportation to medical appointments—and many others. For some, Medicare Advantage plans are good enough.
The spread of cancer is difficult to predict, which makes the disease all the harder to properly treat. However, a new technique may help researchers detect previously undetectable “hot spots” that may help them better understand the spread of breast cancer. What these researchers are calling “hot spots” are actually areas of extreme stiffness within
A couple of hours after a meal, and you’re noticing your hunger starting to kick-in again…it’s snack time! Snacks are an excellent way to satisfy hunger between meals, prevent overeating at the next meal, provide your body with a boost of energy, and promote blood sugar control. Remember to portion and adjust accordingly to what
My story is a personal one. It began when I was in middle school and my mother was diagnosed with breast cancer. After her initial treatments, I would occasionally accompany my mom to her radiation therapy appointments. Quickly, my curiosity was peaked, and I started to ask questions …What is radiation? Is this going to
Today is Veterans Day. I wanted to take a few moments to highlight a special need for many Veterans: cancer care. Many Veterans are at increased risk for developing cancer just because they did their job protecting our country. There are approximately 45,000 new cancer cases in Veterans reported annually. As the Veteran population continues
Benefits of Breakfast: Kick-start the day by incorporating a heart-healthy breakfast! Not only is breakfast a wonderful opportunity to incorporate dietary fiber, vitamins, minerals, and protein towards meeting our daily nutritional needs, a well-balanced breakfast meal may boost energy and promote blood sugar control. The simple act of enjoying a nourishing breakfast before the busy
Where did this saying come from? As early as the 1860’s in Wales, the original quote was “Eat an apple on going to bed, and you’ll keep the doctor from earning his bread.” Luckily for us, apples are now in season! Eating seasonally is a great way to can glean more nutrients from your food.
Ovarian cancer blood test ‘better than previously thought’   A new investigation into an existing blood test to detect ovarian cancer has uncovered better-than-expected capabilities. Co-funded by Cancer Research UK, researchers at the Universities of Cambridge, Manchester and Exeter found the CA125 test could be more predictive than originally thought and may even pick up
The Mediterranean diet is a predominately plant based diet that accents omega 3 rich fish sources and whole foods that are minimally processed. Olives and avocado contribute to the rich source of monounsaturated fats that prevent inflammation, the pathway that leads to many chronic diseases including cancer. Did you know that the origins of the Mediterranean
Halloween may look different this year but we can still decorate our homes and enjoy a favorite fall treat – pumpkin and pumpkin seeds. As you are carving your pumpkin, save the meaty flesh of your pumpkin for this yummy smoothie. It is ready in minutes and light on the calories. And don’t forget to
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, people everywhere are uncertain about the future of their health, safety, and economic security. Homeless people and those who are transitioning from homelessness are particularly vulnerable to these concerns. LA Family Housing is dedicated to helping families and individuals in the Los Angeles area transition out of homelessness and poverty
Our theme this week is delicious, easy to make, at home meals. These recipes minimize your cook time and maximize your food enjoyment. Ingredients 8 4 oz each boneless skinless chicken thighs, trimmed of fat 1 teaspoon kosher salt fresh black pepper, to taste cooking spray 10 medium asparagus, ends trimmed, cut in half 2
Maybe you saw the hashtag #DonutTakePAPAway on social media recently? ObGyn physicians and advocates are voicing their disagreement with the American Cancer Society’s (ACS) latest cervical cancer screening guidelines. #DoNutTakePapAway You see, this summer while we were worrying about COVID and living during a pandemic, the ACS changed their guidelines for cervical cancer screening. The
This post was first published in 2017 but has been reviewed and updated in October 2020. There’s a lot of confusing information and advice out there around sugar. Does it cause cancer? Does sugar feed cancer cells, making them grow more aggressively? And how does the sugar we consume through food and drink affect our