P3-OM – The “Navy Seals” Of Probiotics

Health, Fitness & Food

P3-OM is a transient probiotic that eliminates bad bacteria fast, eats up excess sugar and protects your gut from inflammation and viruses.

It uses a patented process (patent #: 5,895,758) to dramatically enhance L. Plantarum’s abilities, resulting in a new super strain that may be the most powerful proteolytic probiotic ever developed.

Inside of L Plantarum you’ll find beneficial bacteria that is often found in kimchi, sauerkraut, cultured vegetables (which you would otherwise have to eat pounds of everyday to get the same benefits from just a few capsules of P3-OM).

The strain inside of P3-OM is one of the few available that has been shown to have protein digesting abilities and many other amazing benefits.


  1.  Proteolytic activity (which means it breaks down protein)
  2.  Anti-tumoral capability (it may reduce tumor size).
  3.  Antiviral capabilities (it can kicks virus’s butts)
  4.  Anti-retroviral activity as demonstrated against: the Rauscher virus, and the T-lymphotropic virus.
  5.  The strain easily survives in the human digestive system, unlike other probiotics that die when hit with stomach acids.
  6.  Ferments different types of carbohydrates and sugars, aiding with insulin resistance and inflammation.
  7.  Has been shown to be an effective treatment for irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)
  8.  Suppresses the growth of gas producing bacterium in the intestines, reducing bloating and excessive gas.
  9.  Plays a beneficial role in the treatment of depression. By digesting, absorbing and metabolising vitamins and minerals at a higher level.
  10.  L. plantarum has significant antioxidant activities and also helps to maintain the intestinal permeability.
  11.  Faster Muscle Growth. P3-OM is a state of enhanced breakdown of protein provides your muscle with more nutrients vital for sarcoplasmic and myofibrillar hypertrophy.
  12.  Faster Recovery. Heightened bioavailability of amino acids allows for cellular repair to rejuvenate broken down fibers.
  13.  Improved Gastrointestinal Wellness. eliminates bloating, gas, and constipation associated with protein consumption.
  14.  Pre-workout energy. Boosts workout energy by increasing metabolism of carbs, fat, and protein for fuel.
  15.  Decreases need for sleep and recovery. Reduces demands on digestive organs to break down and process food.
  16.  Immune enhancement. Clears away undigested protein that rots in the gut (and allows bacteria to thrive)
  17.  Increases mental clarity and focus. By improving digestion, your body has more resources to allocate for mental and cognitive function.

Readers of Chronicles Health can save up to 63% when they purchase P3-OM through this special link.

P3-OM Bottle

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