12 male body confidence bloggers you need to follow now

Mental Health

Discover the men who are putting body confidence in the spotlight

Over the past decade, body confidence has really taken off, and it’s teaching all of us how to love and accept ourselves in a shamelessly self-celebratory way.

And we need it now more than ever. According to a 2019 survey by the Mental Health Foundation and YouGov, one in five UK adults have felt shame, and one third felt down or low, about their body image in the past year.

When it comes to learning how to love yourself, so often you need to see it to be it, and there’s comfort and inspiration to be found in the people who are already on their journeys and are celebrating their uniqueness.

Body confidence issues can affect all of us in different ways. And while we often see women leading the push to break down outdated and damaging attitudes, men also face an immense amount of pressure to conform to certain standards, and it’s about time we called that out for the transgression that it truly is.

So fill your feeds with joy and follow these male bloggers who are breaking down barriers, tackling taboos, and learning to love themselves, unconditionally.

1. Stevie Blaine – @bopo.boy

If you’re on the hunt for someone who is able to capture and break down those everyday niggling, negative body image thoughts, look no further than Stevie. Posting regular insight into his journey with body confidence and laying bare the inner-thoughts that so many of us will be able to relate to, following Stevie feels like catching up with a friend – that’s a positive force we can all vouch for.

2. Dr Joshua Wolrich – @drjoshuawolrich

A surgical doctor for the NHS, Joshua knows his stuff – and he’s here to fight weight stigma and ‘nutribollocks’. Follow Joshua as he opens up about his own struggles with diet culture and weight loss, and dismantles common health misconceptions in a simple and accessible way.

3. Ashlee – @stilashlee

Life is made up of good days and bad days, and on his refreshingly honest page, Ashlee shares it all while maintaining the confidence that he needs to have his own back. Scroll through his page to find relatable musings and body confidence pick-me-ups.

4. Scottee – @scotteeisfat

For most of us, body confidence is a journey, not a destination, and that’s something that artist and writer Scottee perfectly captures in his posts that break down his thoughts on the culture that tells us that we’re not enough. Speaking to his experience of living with an eating disorder, Scottee’s posts are the perfect blend of comfort, empowerment, and the reality of working through adversity.

5. Kelvin Davis – @kelvindavis

He’s got the smile, he’s got the style, and he’s here to tell you that it’s time that you had your own back. Head over to Kelvin’s feed to find fashion inspiration mixed with uplifting self-love lessons as well as his take on the issues of today.

6. Matt Chu Picchu – @mattchuupicchu

Self-expression is at the core of Matt’s delightful Instagram feed, and there’s no shortage of fashion inspiration as he explores art and styling in a genderless way. Tap into Matt’s self-celebration and refusal to play by the rules.

7. Zach Miko – zachmiko

When Zach became US retailer Target’s first plus-size model, he inspired a new wave of conversation about body image and inclusion. Zach doesn’t shy away from having difficult conversations and, as a new dad, is open about the highs and the lows.

8. Ryan Sheldon – @realryansheldon

Opening up about life with an eating disorder and talking all things body and self-acceptance, Ryan’s account is a support hub of information, discussion, and celebration. Tune in, and join Ryan as he shares the resources that help him through, and the things that bring him joy.

9. Kenny Ethan Jones – @kennyethanjones

Since making history as the first trans man to front a period campaign, Kenny has gone from strength to strength as he explores the world of body politics and mental health. Sharing his insight into the issues that matter most of him in a thoughtful and nuanced way, Kenny’s one to watch.

10. Riccardo Onorato – @guyoverboard

Posting in a beautiful palette that will soothe your busy feed, Riccardo also brings you a regular dose of thoughtful comments on the pressure that men face to conform to certain standards. Sharing the ways that he learned to let go of these pressures, as well as highlighting the forces that are still at large, it’s well worth scrolling through Riccardo’s page.

11. Kavah King – @gentlemenscurb

‘Healthy’ doesn’t have one look, and on his page blogger, model, and founder of Fatboy Fit, Kavah offers a fresh and accessible approach to fitness. Follow him for fashion inspiration, fitness tips, and his thoughtful takes on topical issues.

Claus’s Instagram page is the ultimate hub for feel-good body confidence inspiration. Keep up with Claus as he calls for better representation of plus-size men in fashion, and shares the moments of victory from his everyday life.

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