CBD For Pain Relief: How Effective Is It Really?


It seems that more people are using cannabidiol (CBD) for medical purposes and if you have chronic pain, you might be wondering you should add it to your own pain management routine. Research is still emerging and CBD hasn’t yet been approved by the Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a pain reliever, but many people say that CBD helps reduce their inflammation and pain.

Pain impacts everyone at some point in their life, so the use of a natural remedy is enticing. And as CBD research is ongoing, the thought of using CBD now as a natural pain killer may be promising, given the dangers that accompany some other available pain relievers.

How CBD Might Help Manage Pain

Cannabinoids already exist in the human body and are part of the endocannabinoid system. This system has an effect on appetite, pain sensation, memory, and more. Cannabinoids are also the active ingredient in CBD. They bind with neuroreceptors in the body to block signals from sending pain signals to the brain. It also may be that CBD keeps the body from absorbing a compound called anandamide, which helps limit the amount of pain a person feels.

CBD is believed to also have anti-inflammatory properties that can block or slow the inflammatory response in your body that can cause pain. As researchers look more into CBD properties, it would be helpful to have a product that that can provide this effect without the harsh side effects of some pain medications. Since pain is often related to inflammation, CBD might an option. Despite the lack of hard scientific evidence, CBD does appear to relieve both pain and inflammation in some people. Patients who are interested in trying it should discuss this with their doctor – about how much they can take and whether the CBD may interact with any other medications they take.

CBD For Joint Pain,  Arthritis, and Back Pain

CBD may be helpful for people who live with joint pain related to arthritis or other conditions that impact the immune system, again because of the possible anti-inflammatory properties. It may also help suppress the immune system that can help fight against certain diseases. Although CBD products are available in liquids or capsules, to be taken by mouth or added to food, they are also available in topical applications – creams and ointments. Topical CBD may be a better choice for targeting specific areas, like achy joints.

Some people with chronic back pain also use CBD products for relief. Historically, many people with back pain were given opioids, but these can be addictive. CBD may be a viable option for chronic back pain, again because of its possible anti-inflammatory actions. Additionally, some people find CBD helps manage anxiety that can be the result of prolonged back pain. As with arthritis, topicals that are high in CBD may ease back pain. And, CBD oil may not reach the bloodstream like oral CBD does. However, just as you should speak to your doctor about taking oral CBD, consult with him or her if you want to use topical CBD, just to be sure.

CBD For Muscle Pain

Some athletes report using CBD for muscle pain and recovery from extensive exercise. This could be the result of the muscle relaxant properties related to CBD, relieving the tension that leads to pain. Additionally, CBD may help speed up the body’s natural healing process, improving the effects of a work out. And, if CBD supports better sleep cycles, as some claim, it may accelerate recovery so your next workout is as intense as the one before.

Some athletes have claimed that taking CBD before a workout is beneficial for pushing your body to its limit. CBD oil has been gaining popularity among athletes in recent years and it has been credited with enhancing focus while delivering more substantial results. CBD topicals may also be used as a sort of “spot-treatment” when applied over the tissue that is hurting most. When taken orally, CBD oil may reduce tension and spasms, from overusing muscles.

Is CBD A Safe Pain Reliever?

With the limited amount of data and research available, many people are still concerned with the risks associated with taking CBD. The FDA has approved some products with CBD for children who have severe forms of epilepsy, but not for overall pain relief. If you want to try CBD to relieve pain, speak with your doctor for your unique situation. As with any drug, different people experience different effects, so working with an expert is important .

For people who are concerned about addiction, as may happen with opioids, CBD alone is not likely to be addictive, but it may be if it is combined with THC, the substance that gives you the “high.” This may make CBD preferable over potentially addictive medications like opioids. Keep in mind, however, that the information in this article is based on anecdotal evidence rather than scientific findings.

In conclusion, the brand, type, and method of CBD you use is your choice, according to your lifestyle and preferences. There are many brands to sift through, so you should do your research to see what works best when it comes to the pain you have. With little to no government regulation, some companies do not use the most potent CBD available in their products, which can limit how much pain relief you may feel. We would like to believe that CBD is a natural alternative to pain killers and would love to hear your thoughts on this topic. To compare CBD products with lab-test results, click here.

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