Teenagers’ Mental Health Could Suffer Long-Term Effect Due To Coronavirus Isolation


Studies reveal that as the lockdown continues, loneliness will start to affect teenagers more and more, leading to long-term negative impacts.

Lockdown Loneliness And Its Long-Term Impact On Teenagers

As the pandemic continues, it’s becoming clearer and clearer that the coronavirus isn’t only affecting our physical health, but our mental and emotional well-being as well, given that we’re as good as forced to stay inside our homes. And according to studies, no other age group is greatly affected by loneliness caused by the lockdown more than teenagers, who are already vulnerable to developing mental health problems since they are still going through their developmental years.

But why are developmental years vulnerable to loneliness? It’s quite simple. Our teenage years consist of us transitioning from being dependent children to autonomous adults, which means that our relationships tend to become more conflictual, leading us to find a sense of belongingness and connection in our peers. As such, the impact of not seeing them as a consequence of the lockdown can take a toll on their mental health, leaving them anxious, frustrated and uncertain about a lot of things.

So what can we do? Well, the first thing we can do is to remind ourselves that it’s okay to feel sad. Thankfully, today’s technology allows for easier connections made via the digital space. And no other demographic is familiar and comfortable with it than our teenagers. In fact, a lot of them are better at forming connections in it than through real life (which can be another problem in and of itself).

As such, it’s important to be more lenient with their screen time during times such as this, especially when they’re using it to catch up with their peers and circles. Alongside mitigating mental health issues, we can also help them by encouraging them to be physically active, have a daily schedule and follow a consistent sleeping routine. Doing activities with them can also help bring you closer, as well as give you entertainment to help pass the time. There are also tons of activities online that can keep them occupied and there are no shortages to online resources for those who want to understand their feelings more.

Mental health and COVID-19 The World Health Organization (WHO) has been recording an increasing number of people experiencing depression and anxiety in several countries amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Pixabay

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