Mental Health

A little white lie never really hurts, right? Well, actually, telling fibs can impact your physical and mental health. Perhaps it’s time to embrace radical honesty instead? In our society, we are used to telling white lies. Maybe you don’t want to go to a social event so you make up an excuse about being
Grace Victory joins Happiful’s podcast I am. I have to share her thoughts on therapy, Motherhood, vulnerability and the restorative energy of the sea “I’m good, but I’m going through it. I’m not going to lie,” Happiful’s columnist Grace Victory shares, explaining that the podcast recording follows an intense day and one of her twice
Broadcaster, author and bowel cancer awareness advocate Deborah James launches fund to support cancer research and personalised medicine for patients Deborah James, AKA BowelBabe, has launched an incredible fund to raise money for clinical trials, research into personalised medicine for cancer patients and further campaigns to raise awareness of bowel cancer. The initial target for
When caring responsibilities pull you in two different directions, how can you best look after your own wellbeing? In 2022, our personal timelines are looking dramatically different to those of the generations that came before us. People are living longer, and many are choosing to have children later in life. These two trends offer a
Despite advances in technology, and travel, more and more people are feeling alone. Here, we’re debunking six misconceptions about loneliness, and providing key steps to manage and improve it Social ties are what unite us, providing validation, and making us feel seen and heard. But when those ties are broken, we can be left feeling
Learn more about 10 different types of personality disorders In short, a personality disorder is a condition that affects the way that you think, feel, and behave. They might affect the way that you relate to others, and to yourself, and are usually long-term conditions that commonly begin in adolescence. People with personality disorders might
We all can find ourselves low on energy from time to time, but what can we do to protect our remaining energy reserves from outside influences? Using spoons to describe energy levels has become a popular way to explain how draining certain tasks or activities can be. Originally used by the chronic pain community to
As trading and investing in cryptocurrency is becoming increasingly popular, how can you tell when a relationship with a new financial venture is becoming unhealthy? Bitcoin, ethereum, binance coin, cardano, dogecoin… If that list means more to you than just a collection of random words, then you probably already know about cryptocurrency and its growing
From mounting pressures at work, to financial worries, or concerns around your health, there are myriad of ways stress can build, so it’s essential to address before things escalate. Our expert columnist Bhavna Raithatha explores how stress develops, and offers practical solutions to help manage the tensions in your life right now Stress affects everyone,
Society expects males to be loud, swaggering, confident alphas. But there is much to celebrate and admire in a quieter, thoughtful, empathetic version of masculinity Try to imagine a conversation where an extrovert is told: ‘You’re a bit loud aren’t you?’ or ‘You talk too much’ within the first few minutes of meeting them. It’s
Creator of The Joy Journal for Grown Ups Laura Brand joins Happiful’s podcast to talk about creativity, connection, curiosity and her passion for lifelong learning Laura Brand, author of The Joy Journal for Grown Ups: 50 homemade craft ideas to inspire creativity and connection, joins I am. I have to share that she’s still ‘the
Give your working life a boost with these quick and easy wellbeing wins to transform your 9 to 5 Work can get overwhelming at times and, let’s be honest, it’s easy for workplace wellbeing to fall off the agenda. There’s always something getting in the way, whether it’s battling your inbox, dealing with difficult customers,
We’re sharing four mindful artistic activities you can try while engaging with the natural world Getting crafty can do wonders for your wellbeing, from reducing stress, and helping to express yourself, to improving your self-esteem with a sense of accomplishment. And the thing is you don’t have to be a budding Picasso to reap the
At just 18 years old, a car crash resulted in Sophie becoming paralysed from the chest down. Due to a lack of representation of disabled people, Sophie had no idea what her life had in store – and whether sex would ever be possible again. Author, presenter, and award-winning disability advocate, Sophie is giving a
Science has something to say about the ‘grumpy old people’ stereotype The stereotype of the ‘grumpy old man/woman’ is something that’s present in most of our lives, and scattered throughout the media we consume – but is it about time we challenged the notion? The answer could be, yes, as, According to a new study
Covering everything from anxiety to adult children through to needs, self-esteem and work, Will Young has written a brilliant book on wellbeing using his own life experiences as a starting point There’s real beauty in sharing stories about mental health and wellbeing. Lived experiences shared can provide others with an opportunity to open up too,
From the podcast that’ll have you reflecting on your life so far, to the course that will broaden your horizons, open your mind to our latest top recommendations 1. Page-turners My Tiny Kitchen Garden by Felicity Hart If you have limited space, or no outdoor space at all, but have always dreamed of growing your
Understanding the symptoms of anxiety to watch out for can help you to address the root cause sooner. Here, we are sharing five warning signs of angst that people often aren’t aware of 1. Shame spirals That inner critic really comes alive when we’re feeling anxious. We might worry about meeting expectations, letting someone down,