Mental Health

It’s a 21st-century experience that most of us can relate to: getting stuck in a social media spiral that sucks us in at any given opportunity. But is there a dark side to our technology habit, which could be impacting our mental health? The unsurprising answer is, yes, there is. A study by the Royal
Do you feel like you’re constantly waiting to be found out? That you’re a fraud and shouldn’t be in the position you’re in? You’re not alone. Here we take a closer look at imposter syndrome As I read and re-read the message I’d been sent, I couldn’t help but feel a wave of imposter syndrome
Do you constantly worry about what could go wrong if you try something new? Here’s why letting go of this anxiety, and embracing the idea of failure, could lead to bigger and better things… In a world where carefully-curated social media feeds show us pictures of perfection and success every day, failure is not something
Ever wanted to tend to your own little vegetable patch? Well, there’s never been a better time to start. Here are six top tips to help you dig in Creating personal access to green space has been proven to boost self-esteem, reduce anxiety, and even decrease your cortisol levels (the stress hormone) in the body.
New research published in The Journal of Physiology shows that oxytocin plays an important role in combatting stress disrupting our digestive systems Stress rarely leaves us feeling good physically or mentally, but research conducted at the Penn State University College of Medicine has revealed it could be having a greater impact on our digestive health
How to create some honeybee hotspots this summer, when bees’ food supply is most stretched Honeybees are wonders of nature. You may see them buzzing from flower to flower at this time of year – but that’s just one pollination pitstop, as honeybees can cover three miles in one trip. In fact, a colony of
Happiful is supporting three wonderful initiatives that are giving back, as well as creating amazing products and events. Find out more about their fantastic offers… As the summer draws to a close, Happiful continues to spread a little warmth and cheer by championing three brilliant initiatives who, in turn, are supporting mental health charity Mind,
Five people share their relationship wins while in lockdown with their partners, and open up about their hopes for the future It’s no overstatement to say that our relationships have truly been put to the test during lockdown. As our way of life changed overnight and the future was filled with uncertainty, we faced immense
From separation anxiety to fear of fireworks and nervous aggression, there’s a lot for our dogs to mentally negotiate without being able to verbalise to us what’s triggering them. Here, Steve Mann, author of Easy Peasy Doggy Squeezy: Even More of Your Dog Training Dilemmas Solved, shares how to understand what your canine companion is
Learn how to manage the mental impact of unemployment as Dr Megan Jones Bell, Chief Strategy and Science Officer at Headspace, highlights the key benefits of meditation for financial anxiety In the UK and around the world, many measures have been implemented to help protect our physical health during the public health crisis. Some of
Has the pandemic had you missing hugs from your nearest and dearest? Social distancing is vital to prevent the spread of coronavirus, but it’s depriving us of our human need for physical touch As humans, we’re wired for physical connection. From the moment we’re born, we learn that touch is crucial for building relationships with
Taking care of yourself will allow you to give more to others. Discover the app that makes you aware of your emotions, listen to the podcast unlocking the key to confidence, and find the words that empower you most 1. Page-turners Speedy BOSH! Over 100 Quick and Easy Plant-Based Meals in 30 Minutes Going meat-free