Mental Health

Following a bereavement, you can become overwhelmed with difficult emotions. Addressing them head-on can be the key to working through them Losing someone is never easy. Death doesn’t wait until everything is resolved; it strikes when people are in the middle of living, or still trying to work through unresolved emotions. Even long-term illnesses don’t
Address the stress of the week with these activities that will help you soothe anxiety this weekend Phew, what a week. To-do lists piling up, hoops to jump through, household chores falling by the wayside, caring responsibilities, appointments, deadlines, and let’s not even go into all the anxiety caused by the general state of the
Taking a multi-pronged approach to anxiety can be powerful. Here we explore how one of those prongs, exercise, can help us manage anxiety If you’ve ever experienced anxiety, you’ll probably know that it can trigger some intense physical reactions. There’s a certain energy about anxiety, to me it feels like I’m a shaken up can
Our hormones are responsible for a whole range of body functions – from your heart rate to the quality of your sleep. But did you know they can also impact your skin? Jenna Farmer chats to the experts to uncover the connection… While the hormones whizzing around our bodies can have some pretty powerful effects
When a loved one is diagnosed with cancer, the emotional impact is monumental. Here, counsellor Nadia Wyatt shares her story, and the things she learned along the way We were on holiday in Spain, during Easter in 2014, and were returning back to the UK on Wednesday. My daughter had been complaining she was not
What is a spiritual awakening, how do you know the signs, and how do you embrace this newfound shift in how you see the world? We answer your top questions about spiritual awakenings (and how you can find support in your journey) Spirituality can have different meanings to different people. Generally speaking, it involves recognising
Set yourself free from unnecessary limitations, with these life-changing tips It can be easy to think that if we aren’t going to do something perfectly, there is little point in trying. But there’s a fresh perspective on the scene. Anti-perfectionism teaches us that, when tackling any task, we can be happy to learn slowly, through